The Valdosta Daily Times from Valdosta, Georgia (2024)

Valdosta Times, Sat. Sept. 18, 1948- -Page 3 SOCIETY NEWS Office Phone 2479 ELIZABETH ASHLEY, Editor Engagement Announcement of Interest WALKER-McADAMS 3-Mr. James K. Walker of Adel, anounces the enADEL, of his daughter, Melba Jacqulyne, of Jacksonville, let Florida, to gagement Franklin Lee McAdams, son of Mr.

Dudley McAdams Omaha, and the late Mrs. McAdams. The wedding will be an event of Saturday evening, October 9th at. 7:00 o'clock in the Baptist Temple church, Jacksonville, Fla. Miss Beverly Dougherty, Bride elect, Central Figure At Lovely Luncheon Highlighting social events for today at noon was the lovely luncheon at which Mrs.

'T. D. Gambill and Mrs. J. D.

McKey entertained jointly at the McKey home on Paterson street, complimenting Miss Beverly Dougherty, engagement to Mr. Lamar Williams Valdosta and Woodbury has recently been announced. The marriage will take place on September 25, at the home of the bride in the presence of only the Immediate families of the couple. Bouquets of mixed garden flowers added charm to the rooms thrown en suite for the occasion. The bride's table was overlaid with an imported cloth and centered with exquisite arrangement fashioned of pink roses, tuberoses and ageratum emphasizing the color motif of pink and lavender.

Flanking the central decoration were handsome silver candelabra in which burned pink tapers that cast a soft glow over the scene. The place cards of pink further emphasized the" bridal motif. The other guests were seated at card tables on which were dainty nosegays of sweetheart A delicious full course luncheon was served. Covers were laid for only close friends of the honoree. Those enjoying the hospitality of the hostesses with Miss Dougherty included her mother, G.

C. Dougherty, Mrs. Catherine Miss Honey Hill, Dawley, Mrs. Robert Hall, Mrs. Virginia McMillian, Mrs.

James Addy, Mrs. Robert Stump, Jr. Mrs. Aubrey Stump, Mrs. Omer Franklin, Mrs.

Berkley Mackey, Mrs. Sherwood Dennis, Mrs. George Henry, Mrs. Harry Luke, Mrs. Henry Dukes, and her guest, Mrs.

Robert Brayley Pittsburgh, Mrs. Billy Lastinger, Mrs. Charles Barnes, and Mrs. Vernon McRae. For this occasion Miss Dougherty looked 'exceptionally attractive wearing a winter green crepe dress that featured a bustle and with which she used a flattering black feather trimmed hat and black accessories.

Completing her costume was corsage of pink camellias, a gift from the hostesses. During this delightful affair Mrs. MCKey and Mrs. Gambill presented the bride-to-be with pieces of crystal in her chosen pattern. Mrs.

Herschel Banks, Newcomer, Honored By Mrs. Ivan Friedlander Mrs. Ivan Friedlander entertained recently with a tea at the Daniel Ashley Hotel honoring her cousin, Mrs. Herschel Banks formerly of Memphis, who has recently come to Valdosta to make her home. The beautifully appointed tea table was arranged on the terrace 0000000 FOR THE CONVENIENCE OF THE HOUSEWIVES VALDOSTA BAKERY Will Be Open On THURSDAY 405 S.

Patterson St. Phone 2947 IN and featured a color scheme of yellow and white. The damask covered table was centered with a handsome bouquet of yellow gladioli. A. variety of sandwiches, dainty sweets and tidbits were served buffet style.

Mrs. Mel Giges presided at the attractively appointed punch table which was decorated with yellow dahlias The receiving line was composed of Mrs. Friedlander, the honoree and Mrs. Friedlander's grandmother, Mrs. Tillie Kasle of Atlantic City, N.

J. For this occasion Mrs. Banks looked stunning wearing a new fall costume of brown crepe with: matching accessories. Complementing her outfit was a corsage of yellow rosebuds, a gift from the hostess. Thirty-five friends were invited to call to meet Mrs.

Banks and extend to her a cordial welcome to her new home town. At one time coffee was sold as a medicine and advertised as cure for many numan ailments. TO THE VOTERS OF LOWNDES COUNTY To the Voters of Lowndes County. I have been approached by several of my friends enter the race for Ordinary in the general election, Tuesday November 2nd. I have been a resident of Lowndes County for over 35 years and will appreciate your vote and support.

D. W. PLOWDEN CHARLOTTE GOODWIN TEACHER OF SINGING Miss Goodwin, graduate of the Georgia State Womans College and a pupil of Raimonde Aubrey, has been apopinted Instructor in the Voice Department of the College, as Mr. Aubrey's assistant. Miss Goodwin will also take a limited number of private students.

For information phone 852 or 2584-J. School Dresses Our Laundry Specialty Keeping children spic and span simple task for mothers who send their laundry to Star Laundry. You'll appreciate the extra care Star takes- -and the extra time you gain. laundryand Dry Chaners VALDOSTA'S FINEST OVER IS YEARS OF FAITHEUL SERVICE 404 W. MAGNOLIA PHONE 54 Executive Board of American Legion Auxiliary Holds Luncheon Meeting Members of the Executive Board, date in the month in the form The of the American Legion Auxiliary of a membership luncheon.

enjoyed a luncheon meeting held date will be announced later. present Daniel Ashley Hotel over Members of the board which the new President, Mrs. for this meeting Included Mary Lang- Mes: L. LeFiles, presided dames L. A.

LeFiles. A delicious luncheon was served ford, Louise Holloway. Ralph Wil Patter which matters of business liams, E. D. Cooey, John Williams were discussed.

It was announced Carl Jones, Larry Bookman, T. that the regular meeting scheduled W. Oliver, J. B. Johnson, Ashley for Monday night has been post- McLeod, E.

E. Laws. Hugh Oglesponed and will be held at a later by and J. B. Hunt.

Valdosta Country Club Scene of Ladies Golf Club Luncheon Meeting The ladies golf club held their regular luncheon meeting Friday noon at the Valdosta Country Club. Bud vases holding dainty sprays of pink vine and ageratum were used effectively down the length of the long table. Congenial groups played golf before the luncheon and during the afternoon. Others enjoyed games of bridge. Covers were laid for: Mesdame L.

S. Evins, Bill Crawford, Jame Campbell, John Oliver and he mother, Mrs. Landon Lowry, Alt Little and her mother, Mrs. A. I Adair of Atlanta; George Hen: Harry Luke, P.

Quillian, 0.3 A Toole, Ed Barham. B. B. Drummond, O. R.

Dobbs Comer Cherry, D. Nichols, Dick Hender-1 son and Miss Mary Sue Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. Courtney Ritsch Entertain Members of Their Supper Club Friday Highlighting events for Friday evening was the seated dinner at which Mr.

and Mrs. Courtney Ritsch were host and hostess to members of their supper club and some out-of-town guests. This delightful event was held at, eight o'clock on the porch of the Valdosta Country Club which was decorated with autumn attractively leaves and berries. The beautifully appointed table Personal held artistic bouquets fashioned of mixed flowers in autumn tones. Colorful autumn leaves were used down the length of the long table interspersed at intervals with tall yellow tapers in crystal holders that illuminated the scene.

Covers were laid for thirty-five. A full course dinner was served and an evening of congenial fellowship was enjoyed. Personal Mention Mr. and Mrs. Julian Strickland and Miss Mary Louise (Sister) Strickland will motor Monday Sis- to ter will join a group going to Jacksonville, Florida, where Washington, to enter Mt.

Vernon College. Mrs. J. Luther Giddens has returned from Enterprise, Alabama where she attended the funeral services of her nephew. Mrs.

T. C. Ashley, Miss Harriette Ashley and Miss Sarah Laws left Friday for Athens where the Misses Ashley and Laws will enter the University of Georgia. Mr. and Mrs.

John Langdale and Miss Emily McCall motored today to Jacksonville, at attend the wedding of Miss Gloria Moore of Daytona Beach, to Mr. Jack Christeanson of Winter Haven, which will be an important event taking place in the Naval Air Base chapel in Jacksonville. They expect to return this evening. First in Fashion 9480 SIZES Marian Martin Fashion inspired! So admired! This dress has the style details you've longed for. Gathers at neckline, folds at hips are new, soften the long slimming lines.

Pattern 9480 comes in sizes 34, 36, 38, 40, 42, 44, 46, 48, 50. Size 36 takes yds. 39-inch. perfect fit. Complete, illustrated This easy-to-use pattern diver, Sew Chart shows you every step.

Send TWENTY-FIVE cents in coins for this pattern to The Valdosta Times Pattern 232 West 18th New York 11, N. Y. Print plainly NAME, ADDRESS with ZONE, SIZE and STYLE NUMBER. What else au you need? We nave it in your size! Look it in our MARIAN MARTIN Pattern Book for Summer! Twice as exciting as ever, this catalog of -making fashions is vours for FIFTEEN cents more. Printed right in the book, a FREE pattern and directions for beach-utility bag! IS.

A. E. Alumni Chapter Entertain At Buffet Supper Following Football Game The Valdosta S. A E. Chapter entertained Friday evening following the ValdostaBrunswick football game at a buffet supper at the Valdosta Country Club.

President, Omer Franklin, presided over the business session luring which the following new officers were elected: President, Maxwell Oliver; VicePresident, Dr. Harry Mixson and Secretary Billy Peeples. The buffet table, arranged in the ball room was attractivels appointed and was centered with an artistic arrangement that combined vegetables with fruits inluding graceful clusters of purple ad green grapes extended om the central decoration, Low awls holding bouquets of ageram were used dowr the table with tall yellow tapers urning in crystal candle holders. A delicious supper was enjoyed by a large number of the local chapter, friends and out-of-town guests. Dr.

Harry Mixson was chairman in charge of arrangements for this occasion assisted by C. E. Baker, Howard Dasher, James Dasher, Maxwell Oliver, A. J. Strickland, III, Joe Dukes, I.

H. Tillman, W. R. Strickland, Naylor Home Making Group News Told The Naylor Home Making Group with the cooperation of the students, parents and teachers had most successful recreational meeting at the Naylor auditorium Friday night. Over one hundred were present.

Delicious punch was served during the meeting. Mrs. Katherine Rogers, Mr. and Mrs. Hensley, Miss Mardie Davis of Valdosta, and a number of outstanding 4-H members of Poplar Springs Berrien County School were present for the occasion.

On Tuesday afternoon the group had its business meeting. Mr. James Goolsby spoke to the group on the Minimum Foundation program of education. Plans were made for a kitchen shower to be given for the new Home Making department on Tuesday afternoon, Sept. 21 from The Home Making students will be responsible for the refreshments.

Also, plans for a "Womanless Wedding" were discussed. This will be given on Thursday night, Sept. 30, at the Naylor auditorium. ROY L. BAGGET WINS GP SERVICE EMBLEM In recognition of 15 years of service with the Georgia Power and Light Company, Roy L.

Baggett has been awarded the com15-year service emblem, J. pany's W. Lastinger, Vice President, has announced. Baggett, who started out with the company as junior sub-station operator in Bainbridge, has meter risen to working foreman in shop. Prior to Joining the comhe completed a course in pany electrical engineering with Bliss Electrical School of Washington, D.

C. He was employed for short time by the Brooklyn Edison in Brooklyn, New York Company before returning to Georgia, his native Baggett has lived in ValMr. for eleven years. Since dosta 1941 cupied he their and his own family home have at 811 oc- East Park Avenue. Their only child is a daughter, Billie, who is a junior at the Valdosta High School.

grame in charge. Reports will be by delegates who attended given the Episcopal Youth Camp at St. Simons. A full attendance is urged. The first fall general meeting of the Garden Club of Valdosta will be held Tuesday afternoon, September 21, at 3:30 o'clock at the Womans Building.

The Camelia Circle will be hostesses at the meeting. Year books will be distributed and all members are urged to be present. Mr. Paul Cook and Mr. Joe Corbus of Chicago, en route from Florida to enter the University of Chicago, were the overnight guests of Miss Caroline Rose and the E.

P. Rose family Friday night. Mr. Charlie Rex and friend returned Friday by plane to Orlando, Florida after a visit here with Dr. and Mrs.

T. G. Phillips and relatives. Horace R. West, of Valdosta, has been named a cadet sergeant first class at Presbyterian College where he is a student.

J. T. Wood. of Savannah, former agent of the Atlantic Coast Line in Valdosta, is visiting friends here for a day or two and is receiving a warm welcome from them. MARTHA RAI AUBREY TEACHER OF PIANO (Children Only) Pupil of Raimonde Aubrey, Martha Carrington Aubrey and Franciszek Zachara.

Studio at 307 West College Street. Phone 2230. Connie Ferrell, T. E. Smith, Jr.

Frank Rose and BIll Long of Quitman. A representative number from Quitman accompanied Bill Long here for this enjoyable evening of fellowship. Bears Take Third Straight From Daytona Sept-18 (P). WAYCROSS. -When the Waycross Bears decided to win ball game and they don't hesitate to make such a decision and cary it out- they are as apt as not to pick out one inning and pile in most if not all their tallies in one big rally, That's what they did on their home lot last night to smother the Florida State League Daytona Beach Islanders 7-2 and pull up within one game of sweeping the Inter-league series in straight games.

The Georgia Florida champions already had swamped the Florida champions 9-1 and 2-1 in the best of seven series. The big inning stuff was what made the Bears the Georgia-Florida champs. Last night it was a five-run seventh that turned the trick. Singles by Burr Austin, George Fisher and Don Gross, a bunt by Charlie Charlie Brewster Weathers, and a a double triple by Jeff Bell were what it took. Three times in this merry-go-round Islander throws were late and Bear runners gained bases.

There wasn't much to choose between the tossing of Charles Bodine and Larry Lpoinski for the Floridians and Harry Raulerson and Jack Ingalls for the Georgians. The Bears got 10 safeties, the Islanders 9. Daytona 101 000 000- 9. Waycross 020 001 1 10 Bodine, Lapinski and Toncoff: Raulerson, Ingalls and KaKtkaveck Jennings And Lake Park To Meet Sunday The Hahira and Jennings baseball teams, finalists in the Twin Rivers League playoffs, will meet on the Jennings diamond tomorrow afternoon at 3 o'clock Hahira took a two-nothing lead in the series, and the game Sunday may prove to be the season final- -if Hahira comes out on the top end of the score. Arrangements have been completed at the Jennings park for a capacity crowd.

Johnny Butler will handle the mound chores for the Florida nine, and Sally Folsom, ace Hahira pitcher, will toe the hill for the Trojans. High School Grid Scores (By The Associated Press) Rome 13 Murphy (Atlanta) Fort Valley 13 Manchester 0 Gainesville 48 Winder 0 Hapeville 7 West Fulton 0 Marietta 28 College Park 6 Athens 33 Elberton 0 Hoke Smith (Atlanta) 19 Columbus 0 Glynn Academy (Brunswick) 13 Valdosta 6 Richmond Academy (Augusta) 12 North Augusta (S. 6 Lanier (Macon) 19 Brown (Atlanta) 0 Bass 33 Russell 12 21 Sparta Carrollton 25 Dallas 0 Calhoun 45 Chattanooga Valley 0 Dalton 13 Ducktown 6 Washington 8 Louisville 0 Monroe 26 Jefferson Mary Persons (Forsyth) Lanier Junior High (Macon) 6 Wrightsville 25 Tennille 0 Cordele 33 Blackshear 7 Fitzgerald 20 Waycross 18 Eastman 41 McRae-Helena 0 Covington 20 Gray 0 Sandersville 25 Eatonton LaGrange 20 North Fulton 0 Albany 39 Commercial High (Savannah) HEAR Jas. Dewar speak over WGOV at 1:30 Tuesday, Sept. 21.

Cast Is Complete For Festival Pageant Miss Edith Hussell, director of the Southern Forest Festival Pageant, "Treasury of to be presented at Pendleton Park on Wednesday and Thursday, October 6 7 at 8:15 p.m. announces that the cast is now complete in Homerville. The story of the pageant is the story of the modern forest, its products, and where they are sent around the world, told in twelve scenes with colorful settings, theatrical lighting, and brilliant costumes. A group of Homerville citizens have been selected to tell the story of "The Creosoted Pole in This comic scene depicts situation in which two American engineers attempt to enlist the aid of a group of Mexicans in setting a telephone pole; but, unfortunately, it is siesta, the Mexicans are disinterested, and the results are hilarious. The -scene is climaxed with the traditional, fast-moving Mexican Hat Dance.

The cast from Homerville is as follows: Engineers: 0. E. Tally, D. L. Chamberlain.

Mexicans: W. K. Peagler, R. W. Stewart, Frank Sessions, G.

D. Peagler. Mexican women: Mrs. A. I.

Rob bins, Jean Jernigan, Mrs. O. I Talley, Edith Jones, Mary Lo: Patterson. Mexican child: Sandy Talley. The entire program of "Tree ury of Trees" will be present: each night with a cast of 300 people.

The settings an HOLINESS OR HELL! Subject of Rev. Shaw for Sunday night, Church, Central Ave. Yesterday' Baseball Result (By The Asselated Prem) NATIONAL LEAGUE St. Louis Brooklyn 2 Cincinnati 5 New. York Boston 6 Pittsburgh Philadelphia 6 Chicago AMERICAN LEAGUE New York.

13 Detroit 5 Cleveland 4 Washington -Boston 9 St. LoutsPhiladelphia 9 Chicago SOUTHERN ASSOCIATION PLAYOFFS Memphis 5 Birmingham 3 (Hir mingham leads, 2-1) Mobile Nashville 1 leads, 2-1) SOUTH ATLANTIC LEAGUE FINAL PLAYOFF Greenville 3 Columbia 1 (Greenvill leads, 1-0) GEORGIA-FLORIDA-FLORIDA STATE INTERLEAGUE SERIES Waycross (GFL) Daytona Beach (FSL) 2 (Waycross leads, 3-0) lighting is under the supervision of Herschel R. Harrington, 85- sisted by Vernon Williams. Elect JEWELL FUTCH Because: There is no substitute for training, plus experi- Mr. R.

H. Ferguson has returned from a business trip to Savannah, Brunswick and Waycross. Mrs. Garnett Puett and son, left Friday morning for Joe, Gainesville, where Joe will enter his second year at Riverside Mill- tary Academy. Mr.

D. F. Hoskins returned Friday from a short stay in Savannah. Miss Marjorie Noell returned Friday from a six weeks. trip which took her to Acworth, a visit with her grandmother: Washington, D.

for a visit with her sister, Miss Dorothy Noell; to New York where she was the guest of aunt, Miss Ray Mitchell. From New York returned to Washington spend sometime with her aunt, Mrs. Frank Robinson before returning to Valdosta. Mr. and Mrs.

I. M. Alkin and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Sherman of Brunswick, were the guests Friday night of Mr.

Ike Aikin, coming especially to attend the ValdostaBrunswick football game. Mrs. Howard Margot returned Friday to her home in Jacksonville, Florida, after visit with her mother, Mrs. B. Landey.

Mr. Homer Price and Caroline (Coot) Rose leave Monday for Athens where Mr. Price will enter his first year at the University of Georgia and Miss Rose will do work on her Masters. degree. Mrs.

R. L. Parramore, Mrs. W. L.

Redles and Miss Catherine Redles leaves Sunday for Atlanta where Miss Catherine Redles will enter her first year at Agnes Scott College. Mrs. Redles and Mrs. Parramore will return Valdosta in several days. Mrs.

John R. Bolen and daughter, Miss Joan Bolen, of Mayo, Florida are among the out-oftown guests attending the tea this afternoon at which Mrs. A. Pendleton is entertaining at the Country Club honoring her new daughter-in-law, Mrs. Billy Pendleton, the former Miss Virginia Bolen of Mayo.

SET Mrs. L. M. Autrey returns today from an extended visit with relatives in Orlando and Lakeland, Florida. Mr.

and Mrs. I. H. Tillman, Harrison Tillman and Henry Brice of Quitman leave Monday for Athens where Harison and Henry will enter their senior years at the University of Georgia. Mr.

and Mrs. Tillman will turn the first. of the week Valdosta. The W. S.

C. S. of the Methodist church will hold their bustnes and program meeting Monday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock in dining hall of the Strickland Memorial building. The Womans Auxiliary Christ Episcoual church will their first fall program meeting Monday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Harry Mixson.

Mrs. D. S. Wainer has the YOU'RE INVITED To Have Sunday Dinner at SMITH'S Walgreen Agency Drug Store Where you are provided with a wide variety of choice foods, cooked with care and served courteously and promptly. Lunch Served from 12:00 Noon Till The Sunday Menu Hot Biscuits and Rolle Your Choice: FRIED JUMBO SHRIMP French Frys, Lettuce and Tomatoes $1 ENTREES Roast Young Turkey With Celery Dressing Southern With Fried Steamed Chicken Rice.

Grilled Virginia Hame With Pineapple Rings Broiled With Minute Sauce Steak 75c Catsup VEGETABLES SWEET POTATO CROQUETTES FRESH BUTTER BEANS FRIED OKRA, COUNTY STYLE FRESH TURNIP GREENS SALAD CHOPPED LETTUCE AND TOMATO DESSERT COCOANUT PAN PIE. W. B. SULLIVAN Will greatly appreciate your vote and support in the run-off election for sheriff to be held SEPT. 22.

The Valdosta Daily Times from Valdosta, Georgia (2024)
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Name: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

Birthday: 1996-01-14

Address: 8381 Boyce Course, Imeldachester, ND 74681

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Job: Product Banking Analyst

Hobby: Cosplaying, Inline skating, Amateur radio, Baton twirling, Mountaineering, Flying, Archery

Introduction: My name is Kimberely Baumbach CPA, I am a gorgeous, bright, charming, encouraging, zealous, lively, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.