The Des Moines Register from Des Moines, Iowa (2024)

DES MOINES REGISTER WED, OCT. fi, 1948. 18 bell, Mrs. Betty T. Campbell, and Pfc, OFFICIAL.

PUBLICATION. Room and Board OFFICIAL PUBLICATION. BRING BACK 124 Allan R. Criswell, Robert 8. CnsweiL Le Mars Second Lt.

Ilvit W. Falk, Mrs. Frank Falk. and In the same manner as are taxes for annual tax sufficient to pay the principal and Interest on said bonds, and providing LJdderrisUe Pfo IVnnlmB T. Alhers BEAUTY FOUND DRAT BLASTS-WE'VE LOST THE MOST VALUABLE POINT penalties lor the violation ot tne provisions of this act; providing for the application of any surplus to the retirement of the indebtedness herein created: and THAT'S FINE 'HE HAD TO REGAIN HIS FACULTIES BEFORE WE COULD SELL.

genera aiaio purposes. Sec 13. If any clause, sentence, paragraph, or part of this act shall for any reason be adjudged bv anv court of competent Jurisdiction to be Invalid, sum Judgment shall not affect. Impair or In Bernard E. Albers.

Lisbon Tech. Set. Orlan G. Owens, Georse H. Owens.

McGreror -TVi n-m a S7iiha IN ESTABLISHING BI3 TONY IOWA WAR BEAD providing lor submission of tms act to tne neonle to be voted urjon at the general HIM ON THE SPECTACULAR. election to be held In the year 1948. AS A CAVE-MAN WRESTLER YESTERDAY HE SUPPED IN A SHOWER. BATH AT THE validate the remainder of the act, but shall be confined in its operation to the elause, sentence. naracraDh.

or nar SHOWMANSHIP OF GOING DEAD IN HOTEL Mrs. Kate Huebsch. Manchester Pvt. Floyd H. Hartbecke.

Mrs. Ella C. Hartbecke. Manaon Pfc. Harold L.

G. Carstens, William B. Carstens. INTO THE WRESTLING SAME DRESSED AS A Bodies of 124 Iowans are among Maquoketa Pfc Kermlt C. Bowling, EARL'S HOTEL.

AND IN BUMPING HIS HEAD HE SNAPPED OUT 01 THE STONE-AGE MAN iwliry. the 7.000 World War dead Marlon Guy Smith Waives Theft Case to Jury Guy F. Smith, 30, of 2909 S. Fourteenth waived to the grand jury in Municipal Judge Howard W. Brooks' court Tuesday on grand larceny charges.

Smith, at liberty on $600 bond, is charged with helping sell cream stolen from a creamery here. Hearing for Mike Mowry, 27, of 4 Clyde O. 8 perry, Mrs. LOS ANGELES, CAL. The which have arrived In New CAVE-MAN COMPLEX coroner's office Tuesday night Marshalltown Pvt.

Wlnfred BE IT ENACTED BY THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF IOWA: Section 1. The state of Iowa is hereby authorized to become indebted in the amount of eighty-five million dollars $8,000.000) and in evidence thereof there shall be Issued and sold negotiable coupon bonds of said state as hereinafter provided, and the proceeds thereof shall be paid Into the treasury of the state to be expended for the payment of service compensation to the persons defined in section four (4) of this act, or for the benflt of such persons as prescribed by section four (4) and ten (10) of this act, and for expenses incurred in carrying out the brovlsions of this act. Wag ner, Mrs. Jennie Lamckin. N.

aboard the United States army transport Carroll Victory. thereof directly Involved in the controversy In which such ludgment has been, rendered. Sec. 14. This law.

after legal publication shall be submitted to the people of this state at the general election to be held in November, nineteen hundred forty-eight, and shall not take effect unless at such election it shsll receive a majority of all votes cast for and against it. Separate ballots shall be provided for the electors which shall be in substan-Ually the following form: (Notice to voters: For an affirmative vote upon any question submitted upon this ballot, mark a cross mark in the square after the word "Yes." For a negative vote make a similar mark in Mason City Second Lt Arthur L. ciarK. Arthur L. Clark.

Missouri Vallrv T4 Ttnhart Burch. Also on board were bodies of saia a woman round dead in a Hollywood hotel room Monday has been identified by friends as Gladys Lanphere Benjamin, 55, Harold H. Burch. Montrose Pfc Harold T. Cale.

Mrs. 64 Nebraska and 22 South Dakota war dead. Effie Cale. Neola T4 James Waters. William former New York stage beauty Sec.

2. The treasurer of the state a. waters. The dead, from temporary mili Nora orlnrs Pfc. Llovd v.

Hauen and former wife of Park Benja Is hereby directed to cause to be prepared negotiable coupon bonds of this state in the amount of eighty-five million Mrs. Gladys H. Ha ten. me square loiiowmg the word tary cemeteries in France and morway t4 Jbiton w. Memerg, tamer dollars such bonds to bear min II, Wall Street banker.

Dr. Victor Cefalu, coroner's au Holland, are being returned at the MoStwrm rpmipst nf novf nf lHn 4nr Hh.i.i Thomas. Pvt. Kenneth L. Thomas, Roy "Shall the following public measure, being an act of the 52nd General Assembly, be adopted and approved?" 712 E.

Twenty-second also facing the same charge and at liberty on 5600 bond, was continued until next Tuesday. Both have YES NO topsy surgeon, said an autopsy Mrs. Onawa Pvt. Willard in Private or national rrmptsrlss Helen E. Docken.

interest at the rate of not to exceed two and one-half per cent (2) per annum which interest shall be paid semi-annually. Such bonds shall be issued so that said Indebtedness shall be payable in twenty (20) equal annual installments, the last of which shall be within twenty (20) years from the date of issue, bonds to be callable in numerical order on six (6) rn, vrange vuy irax 1.1. nerman l. 011- ne Iowa dead and their next der Laan. John Vender Laan.

showed no signs of foul play, but that a chemical analysis will be made. A man companion left Oxford Pfc Marcellus F. Rourke, of kin include: pleaded innocent. omas J. Rourke.

Paullina Cpl. Vincent K. Moll. Law Alcona Pfc. Daniel months notice at one hundred one and one- rence Moll Mrs.

Imelda Engesser. the hotel Monday morning, police i 13V act ball take ef-rect immediately upon its adoption and approval at such election Approved May 19. 1947. Rillo Bergeson. secretary of state for the State of Inwa half per cent (1011) of the par value.

Pern Pfc George A. Robshaw. Henry A First T.U Raymond A. Minott, said, and has not been seen since. Said bonds shall be signed by the governor Robshaw.

1 Pleaaantvllle Pfc Lewis E. Palmquist, unaer me great seal oi saia state, at Aplinrton Cpl. Johannes J. Bergman. Temmo M.

Bergman. tested bv the secretary of state and coun Emil Palmauist. Billy Sunday Singer. Preston Second Lt. Wayne 8.

Marvin. Aiiamie fic. Maurice E. Hansen. todian of the Laws and Acts of the Gen-tl.

AsseP1bly do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy tersigned by the treasurer of state, and the full faith, credit and resources ot the state of Iowa shall be pledged for the CHANGED George H. Hansen, and Pvt. Garland Charles Marvin. Smith, W. F.

Smith. Red Oak Pfc. Eupene Montgomery, Mrs. Benjamin is survived by her mother, two sisters, Grace vt-tMnu riiacLiunni nr in I naeo navment thereof. The Interest couDons tvxie staff Sgt.

Robert T. Hoversten. Mrs. Esmer m. Montgomery, ana lecn.

THE HOOEY A BIT- Assembly known as Chapter 59. Acts of the if ty-second General iiemhi attached to said bonds shall bear the lith Sgt. John M. Vickroy, Arthur V. Vickroy.

HEAR GOVERNOR ographed facsimile signature of said of- nnmlnv and Winifred Lanphere, and a brother, Merle Lanphere, all of Itreda Staff Sgt. Norman J. as aDDroved hv iiciais. Tne treasurer oi state snail sen said bonds to obtain funds to carry t'Jt the provisions of this act. and to make Wenatchee, Wash.

Joseph E. Bruning. Burlington T5 Felix S. Neder, David G. Neder; Pfc Paul Bonewltz.

Paul W. Bonewltz; Pvt. Vernon C. Anderson, Lloyd K. Anderson, and T5 John W.

JMajr i hat hls publication It "mpliance with Section 5. Article of Iowa relating to the electorate of the question of incurring debts by the state. tne payments nereinaiter proviaea. oucn bonds shall be sold at not less than the Reared in Seattle, and BLACK UPHELD caiuuie. jonn m.

saiome. ar value thereof and accrued interest hereon to the highest and most respon Wichita, she became a singer with the late Billy Sunday's nana ana tne seal or Carlisle Staff Sgt. Lyle F. Murphy, Mrs. Elizabeth Huckleberry.

sible bidder after advertising for a period of twenty consecutive days, bunaays ex arroll Pvt. Axel E. Heide, Mrs. Lo- was married to Benjamin's sister, sang at their wedding. Mrs.

Benjamin came to Hollywood in 1935 to appear in films, and in 1940 she obtained a Reno divorce. Her movie career was brief and she soon dropped into obscurity. cepted. In at least two daily newspapers Renwlrk First Lt. Marlln E.

Klaasle, Samuel H. Klassie. Ridgeway Second Lt. Lester W. Hov-den.

Helmer J. Hovden. Rockwell City Pfc Glenn E. Wing, Glenn E. Wing.

Saint Charlos Pfc Aaron G. Stump, James A. Stump. Selma Pfc. Robert W.

Gardner, Charles Gardner. Shelby Pfc John J. Rihner. Raymond S. Rihner.

SKux City Pvt. Wayne P. Renne, Walter G. Renne. and Sgt.

Vernord L. Johnson, Charles Johnson, Sumner First Lt. Robert K. Briggs, Mrs. Emma jC.

Briggs. Washington T4 Merlo E. Hlller, Mrs. Mary L. Hiller, and T5 Vernon R.

Been-blossom, John M. Beenblossora. Waterloo CdI. Halbert D. Schsrfen- retta c.

Heide and Cpl. Bernard J. rane Rollo H. Bereeson, Secretarv of State. evangelistic party.

Obtained Divorce. IN TEXAS CASE ocmuruuiiz, ad j. Bcniomoitz. printed In the state of Iowa. Advertisem*nts of sale shall rec'te that the treas Cedar Falls Sgt James R.

Denny, Emerson C. Dennv. urer of state, in his discretion, may re ledar Raoids Pfc rtnnsM ject any or all bids received and, in such event, he shall readvertise for bids In the Later she studied in Paris, and in 1923 she and Benjamin were Archie M. Casteel: Pfc George B. Wildeboer; Pfc.

Ernest L. Wilson, Harvey C. Wilson; T5 Junior L. form and manner aoove aescnoea as many times as In his Judgment may be necessary to effect a satisfactory sale. If married.

Enrico Caruso, who WASHINGTON, D. C. JP) wftiiciouu, mra. isinme IN011. and Cnl.

any of said bonds are not presented for Leonard W. Mod race It Frank MnHni, The supreme court Tuesday in ef Charles ntv Tech 9rl Intrri vo berg, Marie G. Foggy, and Pfc Walter TO HI WSUI 910 feet cleared the way for the name O. Bovy, William Bovy. averly pic.

uaie J. nernan, Mrs. Martha Tlernan. of Lyndon B. Johnson to appear Webb T5 Robert H.

Hart. Charles on the Texas election ballot as H. Hart. ayment witnm ten lu years alter maun tv they stall be barred. Sec 3.

The proceeds of such bonds so paid Into the treasury of state shall constitute a service compensation fund and shall be distributed to the persons entitled thereto as hereinafter prescribed. Said eighty-five million dollars I $85, is hereby appropriated out of said service compensation fund for the purpose of carrying out the provisions of this act. Sec 4. Every person, male or female, who served on active duty, in the armorf rnrm nf the TTnited States, at anv West Bend T5 Bennle O. Schafer, Mrs.

Elizabeth M. Schafer. the Democratic candidate for the West les Moines Jr-tc Wilbur H. Kar- nev. John Karney U.

S. senate. Lou A. Jung. Clarion Pfc-Wayne O.

Claude. William W. Claude, and Statf Sgt. Joseph H. Tall-man, Joe 8.

Tallman. Clinton T3 James H. Fordj Ward A. Ford, and 8econd Lt. Albert L.

Strohra, Frank H. Strohm. Colfax Sgt. William H. Sumpter, Mrs.

Ada D. Sumpter, and Pfc. Charles M. Johnson, Mrs. Mae O'Conner.

Collins Pfc. Asa H. Battles, Delmer Battles, and Second Lt. Keith T. Ose.

Mrs. Donna H. Ose. Conway Pfc Herman A. Hawn, Orham D.

Hawn. Corwlth T3 Ralph E. Hersbergen, Samuel Hersbergen. Coirertlooville Pfc. Ivan D.

Heath. Ell T. Heath. Council Bluffs Pfc. Elmer D.

Reynolds. Mrs. Alice P. Carroll: Second Lt. West Tnlon Pfc Duane F.

Boyer, Johnson topped former Gov. inomas r. eoyer. What Cheer Pvt. Ardrey H.

Fairchlld, time between September 16. 1940, and Mrs. Florence L. Falrchild. co*ke Stevenson by 87 votes in the Aug.

28 runoff primary. 9:30 KSO September 2, 1945, both dates Inclusive, and who at the time of entering Into such Wlnterset Pfc Ben Kiddoo. Ben Kiddoo. service was a legal resident of the state Worthlnrton Pfc. Clarence R.

Weber. WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 6, 1948. 8 :00 a. m.

Morning Chapel 8:15 a.m. News 8:30 a. m. Introduction to Spoken Spanish 9:20 a.m. News 9 :30 a.

m. Listen and Learn 9:45 a. m. The Bookshelf 10:00 a. m.

After Breakfast Coffee 10:15 a. m. Women's Feature 10:30 a. m. Keyboard Concert 11:00 a.m.

The Melody Mart 11:20 a. m. News 11:30 a.m. Concert Hall 11:45 a. m.

Dutch Students Speak 12:00 noon Rhythm Rambles 12:30 p.m. News 12:45 p.m. Religious News Reporter 1 p. m. Musical ChaU 2:00 p.

m. News 2:15 p. m. Listen and Learn 2:30 p. m.

18th Century Music 3:20 p. m. News 3-30 Mnile Hall Varieties He was later certified by the of Iowa, and who had maintained such airs, nerman weDer. residence for a period of at least six IB) mAniha nrfor thereto, and state Democratic convention as Want Ad Rates' 'No. Days One Day 3 Days 7 Days Sun.

Daily Reg. Comb; 2 lines 51.40 $1.20 $2.70 S.16 3 lines 2.10 I SO 4 05 7 74 4 lines 2.80 2.40 5.40 10.32 5 lines 3.50 3 00 6 75 6 lines 4.20 3. 60 S.1 0 1 5. 4 8 Want ads ordered for three days or more must run on consecutive days in order to earn the lower rate. To estimate the cost of vour advertisem*nt count all letters and spaces.

31 letters and spaces constitute one line. A blind box number requires one full line. The following classifications are cash in advance of insertion: 10 11 2S 30 51 58 Information concerning ads containing blind box numbers cannot be given out Want ad users should check their advertisem*nts in the first issue they appear and report any error at once as no allowance can be made after the first issue. Office Hours Weekdays Monday through Friday 8:30 a. m.

to 7 p. m. Sat. 8:30 a. m.

to 5 p. m. Sunday 8:30 a. m. to 6 p.

m. Weekday Closing Time Register 7 p. m. preceding dav. Tribune 10 a.

m. day of pubU-eation. Sunday Closing Time Mail Editions Fridav 7 p. ra. City Editions Saturday 5 p.

m. Deaths I was honorably separated or discharKed from mirh service or Is still in active BEPCBLICAN NATIONAL COMMITTEE the party's candidate. Fined $5 in Failure service in an honorable status, or has James J. rriend. James u.

riend, and Mai. John Biaylock, John F. Blaylock. However, Stevenson charged Tonight DWFY'S TAVERN 8:00 WHO Keen retired nr has heen furlouehed to tnmweu man sgt. cecii a.

uravett. To Stop at 2 Signs reserve, or has been placed on inactive ntntiiM shall r.e entitled to receive from Joseph C. Gravett. ballot frauds in three counties and won a federal court injunction uavenport rirst Lt. waiter E.

Gib ADVERTIsem*nT. the service compensation fund ten dollars I son, Joseph E. Gibson. Louis D. Evans, 3420 Forest JIU OOt lor eacn montn mat sucn person was In active domestic service and Deeorah Pfc.

Lester D. Bakken, Knut that would have kept Johnson's name off the ballot in November. twelve and one-half dollars (S12.50) for MrTnVGa'brieon" Tuesday was fined $5 on 4:00 p.m. Amer. Asso.

of Uni. Women eneh month that such Derson was in 8C Derbv Pfc Gerald E. Storle. Mrs. tiv foreign service, all rjrior to December charges of failure to stop at two Una Hilliard.

Dee Moines Pvt. Anthony Plrillo, rj2 fflO if Stump Us 31, 1946. not to exceed a total sum of five hundred dollars provided that such person served for a period of school stop signs Sept. 23. The Joseph PiriUo, 2514 E.

Fortieth Sgt. toward w. Kudolpn, Mrs. Elsie not less than one hundred twenty (izui Fralier, 1210 Army Post road; Pvt. rlavs nrlnr tn December 31.

1946. Com 4:30 p.m. Tea Time Melodies 5 :00 p. m. Children's Hour 5:30 p.

m. News 5:45 p. m. Sports Time 6:00 p. m.

Dinner Hour 7:00 p. University Student Forum 7:30 p.m. WSUI Talent Time 7:45 p. m. News 8:00 p.

m. Music Hour 9:00 p.m. Melodies You Love 9:30 p. m. Campus 8hop 10:00 n.

Ntwi stop signs were at Brattleboro avenue and University avenue on Kicnard H. lyou, Kmest Loll. 1420 E. Supreme Court Justice Hugo Black on Sept. 28 ordered the federal injunction lifted.

Stevenson asked the supreme court to throw out Justice Black's orders. But Tuesday the high court upheld Black by denying Stevenson's request. Charles D. Coleman, Charles D. Coleman, Tnirty-f irst street.

Municipal pensafion for a fraction of a month shall not be considered unless it be sixteen days or more in which event it shall be computed as a full month. No person shall be entitled to such compensation who received a bonus or comoensation of like 1 )) 11:45 a. ra. Moo. Aim Fri.

(( u4 fiignia ana rvt James M. Dalton, Mrs. AUle M. Dalton. Box 863.

Judge Charles S. Cooter assessed 1 the fine. Dubuque Pfc. Edmond T. Kelly, Vera Kelly: Pvt.

Frank R. Griffith. Frank E. I 10:15 p. m.

SIGN OFT nature as nrovlded In this act. from an' other state. No nersons shall be entitled Griffith; Second Lt. Thomas J. Ernsdorff.

ADVERTIsem*nT. ADVERTIsem*nT. to such compensation wno oemg in tne OFFICIAL PUBLICATION. Mrs. Marietta A.

Ernsdorff; Pvt. Leroy J. Reistroffer. Mrs. Mildred Kurtz, and Wednesday's Best Bets service of the armed forces of the unitea rvt.

caivtn c. Walsh. John M. Walsh. States, subsequent to September 16, refused on conscientious.

Domical, reli FOR SALE. Bids will be received hv the Town eagle urove Pfc. Marvin A. Larson Emanuel Larson. Y.W.CA.

Opening gious, or other grounds to subject himslf or herself to military discipline. Service Eldora Pfc. Deane E. Froning, Mrs. of the Town of New London.

Iowa, for the purchase of the following described used equipment now located at the Municipal Electric Light and Power Plant at in the merchant marine shall not be Cn' sidered for the purpose of this act The Nursery Service iena u. ironing. Emmetsburg Staff Sgt Michael Schumacher. Mrs. Mrv C.

Schumacher. Esthervllle--Pfc. Franz T. Fisher, An WIIXSON SHOW DEBUTS gredients for a perfect evening London, Iowa: surviving unremarried widow or widower, child nr children. steDchild or stepchildren.

Murray steam Boilers 150 H.P. Rat- Maestro humorist Meredith "radioing" are found in thia KRNT mother, father, or person standing loco lmrpnrlt in the order named and none ton Fisher and Pfc Daniel X. Boone, Ing complete with 3 Jones Under-lrS feed Stokers: Controls: Steam engine and schedule YVillson headlines the show mak other, of anv deceased person, shall be nrnv a wiiiiam j. ounon, Ian; jjupiea-uaruner Doner feed pum; numni BEADLE Services for Cecil C. Beadle, 3215 6th Avenue, will be Thursday 2 p.

m. at Hamilton's Funeral Home. Interment Highland Memory Gardens. BROWN Graveside services for Paul A. Brown.

Kansas City, will be 2 p. m. Wednesdav at Glendale cemetery. Capital Masonic Lodge in harge. White's service.

CHASE Services for Mrs. William Parker Chase of 3605 Grand, will be held at Dunn's Funeral Home. Wednesday afternoon at 1:30. Interment at Woo Hand. "The Lone Hanger" ing its debut tonight.

This show paid the compensation that such deceased I and steam injector: also 80' stack (40 wiiua.m BuiLun. ana oiaxi Bgt. vai Sgt. Staff an A nursery service is being opened this afternoon at the Y.W.CA. The nursery, open from 12:30 to 4:30 p.

m. on Wednesdays and Fridays, will be in L. Payne, j. v. Payne "Original Amateur! inch) and breeching.

person wouio. De entixiea io unuer art. if livinr- hut If anv Derson has here Farlev Second Lt. Paul J. Scherrman, also features 18- year old piano jftjr' x-ropeny may oe inspected at the plant Successful bidder must remove hnilera with Ted Mack' John P.

Scherrman. tofore died or shall hereafter die, from service connected causes incurred between B. Mane and equipment from plant within 90 days "The Meredith Willson virtuoso Faulena Fonda Second Lt. Robert man, George H. Maneman.

WWIIIUjlaw, Sentember 16. 1941). and uecemDer ji, aiier 1. 1M4S. and must he 1Q4 the flrat of survivors as herelnbe "The Oroucho Marx charge of Mrs.

Ray Longshore Mrs. willing to secure the town against any Carter, folk sing- Fort Doge Cpl. E. Brooks, Lillian J. Brooks.

for designated and In the order named It is for children 3 to 6 years old. "The Binr Cro ers Josef Marais hull he nald five hundred dollars LINGARD information rppnrii. Fort Madison Tech. Sgt. Richard E.

and all damage to building or equipment during removal. All bids must be postmarked on or be (S 500. 001 regardless of the length of by The Milton and Rliranda, and JT Newton. Mrs. Hazel L.

Newton, and Pfc. Edward E. Falrbrother, Charles P. Fairbrother. Gardes Grove Pvt.

Henry E. Clark, Berle Then after the Russ See. 5. Active duty in the armed the Talking Peo-fcV jg force rt the United states shall Include fore November 1. 1948, and accompanied by certified check for 25 per cent of the bid price.

Bids will be opened and the equipment Van Dyke 10 o'clock news and All pie. In the led-fjrr WOI 640 all time for which credit is received in the romnutatlnn of terminal leave. Includ Couppee's sports summary, it a off- jars, mii Oilman Pvt. Vernon L. Bra, Mrs.

Josle Bru. i-ui-i il me lown xiaii. iNew ixnaon, Iowa, on November 1. 1948 at 7:30 d. m.

to-bed for most of the early-to 3:15 a.m. Blackwood Bros. 8.4S a. m. Elme r's Serapbook 6:00 a.m.

R.F.D. 980 7:00 a.m. L. Parkrr. New 7:13 a.m.

Frank Field 7 :30 a. m. Blackwood Bros. 7 :45 a. m.

Morning Headline 8:00 a. m. Bkfst. Club 9 :00 a. m.

Hanwmakrr'i Visit 9 a. m. Betty Crocker 9:45 a.m. UitenJiig Post 1 0 :00 a. m.

Judy Jean m. Dusty Owen 10:30 a. m. Ted Malone 11:00 a.m. Welcome Traveler! 11:30 a.m.

Mary Foster 11:45 a.m. Stump Us 1 2 :00 Noon Parker. Newt Edward May 12:30 p.m. Half Past Noon 12 45 p. m.

Market Report 1 :00 p. m. Hawkeye Kangere 1:15 p.m. Gospel Quartet 1 :30 p. m.

Bride Groom 2:00 p.m. Ladies Be Seated 2 :30 p. m. Edith Hansen 2:45 p. m.

Joy Spreaders 3 :00 p. m. Ike Everly 3:15 p.m. Judy Jean 3 p. m.

Kitchen Klinik 4 :00 p. m. Bob Mutts 4:30 p.m. R. Childs.

News 4 :45 p. m. Steve Wooden 5:00 p.m. Challenge of Yukon 6:30 p. m.

Jack Armstrong 6:00 p.m. Nishna Neighbors 6:30 p.m. R. Childs. News 6 :45 p.

m. Edward May 7 :00 p. m. Itne Ranker 7 p. m.

Blackwood Brothers 8:00 p.m. Meredith Wilson 8 :30 p. m. Yon Can net Your life p. m.

Bins- Crosby 9:30 p. m. Milton Kerle 10:00 p.m. R. Childs, News 10:15 p.m.

KMA Showcase 10:30 p.m. Sport Highlights 1 1 :00 p. m. Newstime 1 1 1 5 p. m.

Wayne Gregg's Band 1 1 :5 p. m. News 12:00 Midnight SIGN OFF Glenwood Sgt. Henry C. Smith, Dick lne such leave time as provided for by federal statutes, including Armed Forces Leave Act of 1946, and attendance at an armed forces school including such schools rise populace.

The Town Council reserves the right to reject any and all bids. TOWN OF NEW LONDON, IOWA ger's fun column will be the whimsical Mr. Willson's idea of a household appliance salesman smitn. Grinneil First Lt, Charles Marlng, Jr. Chrs E.

Marina. OTHER HIGHLIGHTS. til UliA WILLIAMS, Town Clerk. Hamburg Pfc Mack McCall, George conducted at a college, university, or similar institution of learning, but shall exclude time pursuing a course of instruction in a miieee. univeraitv.

or other in Baseball's two famous brothers, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1048. 6:15 Down on the Farm 7:00 First EdlUon News 7:10 Matins Dally DevoUons 7:30 Music Shop 9 :02 Homemakers 9:45 9:45 Market News m-fis PariiA Tbwtlr Piuh aaci Hampton Pfc Dallas R. Jackson, M. WIXXSON. SOLDIERS BONUS S.

492 the Meusels, are among 3 teams to try for $1,500 on the quiz and stitution of learnlni aa a duly enrolled in the year 2048 and a discussion jauae jacKson. Harronrt Pfc. Lawrence O. Green AN ACT authorizing the state of Iowa to become indebted in the amount of student. A Thr la herebv created MarXi 10:30 Md -Morning Markets quip program of Groucho eicnrv-nve mi inn nnnarm nnn nnn board to be known as the "World War II Hem.

Peter Greenfield. Harlan 8gt. Harold N. Dlnesen, ins xunerai Eervices or Edward W. Lingard Clinton, father of Mrs.

J. S. Hurley of Des Moines. Call Caldwell Mcllhon Brien funeral home. 3-0555.

TITTLE Services for Lorec E. Little, formerly of Indlanola, Iowa, who passed away at Fremont. will be Wednesday, 3 p. at Hamilton's Funeral Hqrne. Interment Laurel Hill.

PORTER Services for Benjamin K-. Porter, 1013 S. W. IfcKinley. will be held Wednesday 3 p.

m. at White's West Grand Funeral Home. Interment Highland Memory STUART Services for Harold ST Stuart. 1650 22nd Street, will be Wednesdav. 1:30 p.

at Hamiltone Funeral Horne. Interment Glenriale. THORESfervices for John Thoren, 2029 E. Cniversitv, will be Thursday. 2 p.

at Hamilton's Funeral Home. Interment Highland Memory Gardens. ALTQgyA. AIcCLURGrServices for Mrs. Mint Ellen McClurg will be Thursday, 2:30 p.

Christian church. In-tcrment Altoona. Moffett serv'ce. Funeral Homes 2 of "Ten Popular Methods of Flir-ation." The emcee will direct his nay-land providing for the Issue and sale of Service Comnensation Board" to consist mond c. Dinesen.

Bing Crosby, the man who gave the world the golden groan, Donas oi saia state in evidence thereof. nr th atati, Auditor, state treasurer, tb Harper pvt. let us J. Bere. Mrs.

tn n. 28-piece orchestra in his latest adlutant eeneral and two veterans of AEneS DerE. I lunMlinn tn nAr.An. V. will be joined in song and banter) composition and theme song, World War II, which two veterans shall be appointed by the governor and serve Hawarden Second Lt Harold T.

Ray- armed forces of the United States at any nle. John I. Raynle. time between the sixteenth day of Sep- by screen star Judy Garland "Every Day among other tunes. at his pleasure.

The World War Hnarri rereiva comDensa. 11 unuaren uorner 11:15 Psychology and You 12:01 Iowa Farm Facts 12:45 Noonday News Parade 1:00 Farm Commentary R. K. Bliss 2:05 Song and Symphony 2:30 Iowa School of the Air 3:15 WOI Masterworks 3:45 Martha Duncan 4:05 ISC Department 4:30 Children's Request 4:45 -Children's Playhouse 5:05 Today's Music Midnight tonight is the deadline num-y urrs it jacn i. swanson, tember.

1940. and the second day of Mrs. Lorn a B. McKeown. September.

1945. both inclusive or their Pfi Owon Vf XJ -ri a ILTm I 1 BIXGSDAY NIGHT tion of ten dollars a day and actual expenses for each day of actual th a nminlstration of the pre for entering the ticket give-away Pauline Newgaard. board to administer such payments, pro- This is the day of the week that i.i..i i icu viuiuk nir auuiLiuiiiii cumuensauon to ner. visions of this act. The board shall contest, in connection with, the Des Moines theater's big movie.

Dirks. sons under disability, providing for the a good many millions of Ameri maintain its office at the seat govern nn. In Tim UnlnM Tnwa Keokuk Seeon Lt. James A. Camp- I imposition, levy ana collection of a direct "Sorry, Wrong being.

cans spend the evening at homej with their radios tuned to the ABC See. 7. Duties. XI snau oe toe conducted on the Gene Emerald) duty of the said board to administer tne provisions of this act, to examine all ap-nlicatlons and aDDrove or disapprove the Bingsday night lineup. The Show p.

m. same and make any investigation neces sary to estanusn tacts, in uit KSO WHO KCBC aKWPMnao KIOA WMT Sg application is disapproved by the board, th claimant shall have the lifTht tO aD' Frees Time. eal to the district court oi tne state oi owa in and for the county of his legal YOUR PROGRA3IS FOR WEDNESDAY MORNING. residence within a period of thirty days from date or maiune Dy registered iuu of notice of such disapproval. The ap peal shall be pertectea Dy nuns; in me nmro nf th noard.

a written notice of JOSEPH LILLY Funeral Home FORMERLY HARBACHS. 2142 Grand Ave. Phone 4-3277. DES Moires1-Friendly Funeral Home WHITE FUNERAL HOMES 2505W. Grand 1204 E.

Grand. COMPLETE Service as low as S9Sl WHITE FUNERAL HOMES. 2505 W. Grand. 1204 E.

Grand. Card of Thanks 4 appeal setting forth the order of finding appealed from and the grounds of the aDDeal. Within thirty (30) days after the filing of such notice of appeal the board shall make, certify and file In the office of the clerk of the district court whlrh the anneal is taken, a full an comolete transcript of all documents in the proceeding, including any depositions, a trancrini or certification of the evi dence. If reported, including the notice of appeal. The clerk shall forthwith docket WE desire to thank our friends for their kindnesses, flowers and sincere words of sympathy in our late bereavement.

such appeal. The appeal snau De neara Mrs. Louis Carrow and Family. in sucn aistnci court as in emmy hwu. Appeal may be taken to the Supreme court from any final order or judgment or decree of the district court.

When any application has been approved by the board, payment shall be made to the applicant in accordance with the provisions of this act It shall be the duty of the board to prepare vouchers and transmit the same to the state comptroller in payment of the bonus claims provided for herein and other necessary administrative expenses; said state comptroller shall issue a warrant for the amount stated therein and the state treasurer shall pay such warrants out oi saia oonus zuna. The board Is hereby empowered to employ such assistants and incur such other expenses as may be necessary for such administration and carrying out of the We wish to thank the neighbors ari3 friends and especially the I.O.O.F. lodge in our recent bereavement Kyle Carter. Nancy Allen and Constance Christenson. In Memoriams 5 who passed away 5 years ago today Gone but not forgotten.

Marilyn. Joe and Mom. Florists 6 SEND FLOWERS. Order by phone. LA VERB BRACGHT.

ATTRACTIVE arranged bouquetsT corsages and funeral spravs FLORAL. 1540 2nd. 3-6161. NIELSEN GEeENHQUSE: 1900 HIGH. alOl.

rNiKAL SPRAYS. Fresh flowers? Morris's. 20th. Woodland. 3-4612.

Loans Personal, Auto 7 provisions of mis act, ana tne mnas necessary for such administration ana carrying out the provisions of this act shall be expended from said compensation fund: such assistants as said board may determine shall give bond In such amount aa may be fixed by said board, and shall, whenever practicable, be persons within the classes as defined in section four (4) of this act The board is Will Be at Boston for herebv embowered to mane, adopt ana promulgate such rules and regulations for tne carrying out oi me pruvieiuiis ui liiis act as it deems necessary and expedient and which are not inconsistent with any provisions of this act Bee sjeiore receiving any com LOANS pensation under the provisions of this act, the claimant, or his successor in interest, shall file with the service compensation board aomication on iorms proviaea oy said board; such application must be so TAILORED" to your needs. EASY QUICK STANDARD SECURITIES Hied on or Detore uecemoer di. iau. Such aDDlication (hall state facts suffi cient to establish the status of such ap- the R1DSES mcant witmn a class as aeiinea in sec-ion four M) of this act and shall be dulv verified. 5:30 FM Dial Spot Silent Chore Gan, N.

Silent Silent Gooo Yawning ISaarise 5:45 104.5 Megacycles and News nj Markets Hoar 6:00 Don Bell Show, Farm Hear. Horn Marcfc Time Bible Believers News Matins 6:15 chuckle stuff Service) Chore Ganj Family Worship Honr Hal News, AioerseB 6:30 Shotwell, News Devotions Farm News News, Music Jerry Smith Kennedy Riser Roaser 6:45 Don Bell Show, Melody Crniie Farm Hilights News, 6:55 News, Bowman Show C. Worcester 7:00 wake-op type World News News, Dreier The Record Mora Chapel News, Hallock 7:15 McCuen, News Iowa News Gasught Theat Ind'ola Today Psalm of Life Melody Time 7:30 Don Bell Show, M. J. B.

News, Len Howe Aronnd Town Trading Post News, Ber'fame Masical Oock 7:45 music and fun Show Musical Clock News, Barton Weather, News Hal Kennedy Brltfast Clah 8:00 McCnen, News News, MJ.B. Weather Editor's Diary Wings Healing Weather News, Anderson 8:15 Breakfast Club show Cliff Helea Neighbor Sam Morris Hal Mary Mile 8:30 Don McNeill, Platters Mary Foster Bob Poole Back to Kennedy Masical Oock 8:45 write a jingle Chatter News, G. Godt News, 8:55 the Bible Show Music Hall 9:00 My Tree Story Texas Rangers The Fred Cecil Browa Jerry Smith News, Howard News, Hallock 9:15 9:25, Betty Hall Of Fame Waring Show Four Knights Melodie Hal Kennedy Listea Ladies 9:30 Crocker Arthur Godfrey Road of Life A Say It Cupboard Hits With Arthar 9:45 Listening Pott Jeanett Joyce Jordan With Music Howard Godfrey 10:00 Kay Kyier DaT nJ Nora Drake News, Music Newt, Bootoa a 10:15 qoizaroo Tfce Mariners Love 4 Leara V. Lindlahr Gay 9ft Bdwy. Melodies 10:30 Ted Malone Grand Slam Jack Berch Heatter Mailbag Jt tdiA Lucky Grand Slant 10:45 Breakfast Club Inq.

Mkt. Bskt. Lora Lawton Minute Quiz Dunham Lady Kitchen Club 11:00 Welcome Wendy Warren Judy and Jane Crosby Sings Webber Under The Wendy Warrea 11:15 Welcome Aunt Jenny Yg. Dr. Malone K.

Smith Sings Program Clock Annt Jeaay 11:30 Betty Wells Helen Trent Keyboards Cy Newman Sons, Pioneers Popalar Helea Treat 11:45 Claudia Gal Sunday Buckaroos World Series Songs of 20't Masie Gal Snnday YOUR PROGRAMS FOR WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON. 1 12:00 Bankhage, News News, Parker Farm News Exclusive News, Bootoa Easy Voice of Iowa 12:15 McCuen, Newt MJ.B. Show March of Agric. Coverage Market Time Listening News, Hallock 12:30 Big Sister Variety News, Shelley by Mutual Luncheon News, Bar'game Farm Family 12:45 Don Bell Gaest Of Honor Songfellows Mel Allen Melodies Farm News Owens C'Boyt 1:00 Matinee, plus Mrs. Burton Doable or and Bing Sings Lea Mrs.

Barton 1:15 Money Man Inq. Mike Nothing Jim Britt Maa With Band Harris Gaiding light 1:30 Bride Groom Nora Drake Today's Chldrn giving color The KWDM Show Jady tc Jane 1:45 John Nelson Evelyn Winters Light of World and descrip. Roseroom E. Winters 2:00 Ladies Be David Harnm Life Beautiful play-by-play Chapel of Air David Harass 2:15 Seated Hilltop House Ma Perkins conclusion Serprise Pkg. Hilltop Hoasa 2:30 Galea Drake Home Party Pepper Young Queen For Concert: Let's Hoase Party 2:45 Pern.

Pgm. News, 2:55 Right to Happ. A Day Listea News, 2:55 3:00 Freddy Martin Hint Hunt, Backstage Wife Morgan, News to the i Hint Heat, 3:15 Cene EmeralsV News, 3:25 Stella Dallas Johnson Family Classics 'j News, 3:30 Show, Gene's Winner Take Lorenzo Jones Cote Gee Club Rasta Time 1 3:45 Songs, Money AU Widder Brown Two Ton Baker Early Rhythm Cattle 4:00 Man Calls, Maa Thinketh A Girl Marries Strictly Rob 'a favorite Congress 4:15 Record Hits, That Wise Gny Portia Faces Off The recorded Mary Foster 4:30 Organ Music 3-Alarm Just Plain Bill Record Records artists Big Sister 4:45 Stan's Pet Shop Music, Prizes Front Page Here's Morgan Horft Drake YOUR PROGRAMS FOR WEDNESDAY EVENING 5:00 Challenge of Sports Desk Songs A. Sings Adv. Parade Movie Time Crosby Cattle Congress 5:15 the Yukon Herb Shriner Carousel with Superman Ernie Pichoa Time Herb Skriaer 5:30 Jack Armstrong News, Sports Bill Venell Capt.

Midnight Carmickl Dinner Winner Spti Cammias 5:45 top drama Lowell Thomas News Com'ttry Tom Mil News, Bootoa Goodman Show Lowell Thomas 6:00 Gammack, News Benlah Melody Parade Fulton Lewis Dinner News, Bar'game News, McMartia 6:15 Edwin C. Hill Jack Smith News of World Creighton Spts. Serenade O'Briea Jack Smith 6:30 Lone Ranger Club IS News, Nelsen MBS Comment 20th Century Clab 15 6:45 rides again! Ed R. Marrow Morton Downey Sinatra Sings Serenade Marrow, News 7:00 Original Mr. Chameleon The Blondie Special Agent B.

Goodmaa Make Mr. Chameleea 7:15 Amateur Hoar, Mystery Show Allen Drake Show Believe 7:30 discovering Dr. Christian The Great High Adventure Frank Miles Sr. Ballroom Dr. Chris tiaa 7:45 new talent J.

Hersholt Gildersleeve B. Rose, 7:55 Naval Reserve News, 8:00 Meredith Willsoa Your Song Duffy't G. Heatter Alvino Rey Dance c. 8:15 Show and Mine Tavern MBS Newsreel Bryant Bros. Time Y.A Zmm 8:30 Groucho Marx, Harvest Of Harry S.

HoUyw'd Story Walta Time Harvest 8:45 quiz-quipper Stars Truman Henry, 8:55 $Un 9:00 Bing Crosby Time's A The Big Morning TJj Comm. Chest BiaT 9:15 Judy a guest Wastia Story Star Dance Crosby 9:30 Miltoa Berle Capitol Certain, Carlos Or. Timm Cm Waev 9:45 Comedy Show Qoak Room Time Sheador's Or. AddresT 10:00 V.a Dyke New. News.

Sport. Supper Club News, Sp.rU New, McM.rti. 10:15 Couppee, Spts. Old Tavern Inn News, Nelson Featherston. Or.

N(w RoBarb News, Com'Ury SatsT Cammias 10:30 Gems For Thot. Day Is Done Sports Corner Moreno Or. Sports Mirror Serenade Fanrn. 10:45 Dance Band Chnck Foster Here's to Vets. News, 10:55 Moondreams Mask Toa StaaStaaley 11:00 Van Dyke, News News, Midnight News; Vets Del Trio Saay It Waat CBS W.w.

11:15 Dance Band Flyer Forum, 11 05 Dance Orel. With Oak 940 Off tha 11:30 from hotels Telephone News Com'tary Pazton's Or. Mask ItecortL 11:45 News, 11:55 Requests Masic; News News, 11:55 News 12 00 Sim Off Sign Off Rhythm Parade Music, 1 a. m. Sign Off I'SigTOff 1 CIS News 1013 W.

Locust. 321 E. Locust. 4-3143 2-1140. Sec.

Whoever Knowingly manes a false statement, oral or written, relat WO ing to a material fact in supporting a claim under tne provisions or mis act. shall be ounished bv a fine of not more than one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) or be imprisoned for not more than one ear, or both, and shall torrelt an Dene-its he or she might have been entitled SIGNATURE LOANS $25 to $300 CONVENIENT MONTHLY PAYMENTS. Phone 3-0521. Write us, or come in. STATE FINANCE COMPANY.

218 Flynn Bldg. Over Katx. 3-0521, to tinder this act See. io. After tiavment oi an oi the above claims and expenses of admin lstration of the board herein created, all funds up to and Including three million dollars ($3,000,000) remaining in the hands of World War II service compensation board shall constitute an additional compensation fund to be administered bv IMMEDIATE LOANS the said board for the amelioration of the condition of residents of this state within the classes defined In section four (4) of this act who suffer from disabil ity.

The cost of the administration of such additional compensation fund shall be paid from euch fund. After the payment of all said claims and expenses ot administration of the board herein created all funds remaining in the hands of World War II service comDensation board in When the first world series batter steps to the plate in Boston today Bill Bryson of The Des Moines Register staff will be in the press box. For his first hand report of the games and the ex-' citement and color which go with them, look for Bryson's stories in excess of three million dollars shall revert to and become a part of the permanent school fund of the state. sec. i.

au payment ana allow ON YOUR SIGNATURE. Convenient Small Monthly Payments. CAPITAL FINANCE COMPANY. "A Friendly Place to Borrow." 214 Empire N.E. cor.

6th WaL Phone 3-4247. If you need money, You need GLOBE LOAN CO. 202 Liberty BJdg. Ph. 4-8195.

QqrcKCASH LOANS TO $3dbT "When a. Fellow Needs a Friend. PEOPLES FINANCE CO. 710 Bankers Trust Bldg. 4-7219.

QUICK CASH LOANS TO $300. "Union a friend to a fellow in UNION FINANCE CO. S17 East Locust. 4-8949. Easy Parking.

FAST Signature Loans. CENTRAL LOAN CO. 411 15th. (Easy to park.) 2-8135, ances made under this act shall be exempt from taxation and from levy and sale on execution and all bonds issued hereunder shall be exempt from taxation. Sec 12.

To provide for the payment of the principal of said bonds so and sold and the interest thereon as the same become due and mature, there Is hereby imposed and levied upon all of the taxable Drooertr within the state of Iowa in addition to all other taxes, a direct annual! tax for each of the years said bonds are outstanding suf ficient in amount for the payment of principal of said bonds as lt shall become due. and sufficient in amount to produce ad Loans to combine vour riehts ditional sums as may be needed to pay the Interest on said bonds each year for twenty (20) years. The treasurer of the state shall annually Certify to the state tax commission prior to the time for levy of general state taxes the amount of money required to be raised to pay the rinclpal and Interest on such bonds ma-uring in the ensuing year, and said state tax commission shall annually fix the pfotttef ORDER NOW FROM YOUR FAVORITE DEALER OB CARRIER SALESMAN East Des Moines Finance Co 2nd floor Teachout Bid g. 195 Installment Loans and Refinancing. Financial Credit System .819 Empire Bldg.

Ph. 3-7687. Like to Say Yes." ATLAS FINANCE CO. 250 K. P.

6th. Locust. 3-4171, MONEY IN MINUTES: THRIFT LOAN CO. S0 6th. 3-7181.

DIAMOND LOANS. Lawful Rates. Aliber ft Co. 310 Equitable Bid, rate percentum necessary to be levied and assessed upon the valuation of the taxable property within this state to produce funds sufficient to pay the principal of and interest uoon such bonds as the same become payable, and such additional annual direct tax shall be levied, certified. assessed and collected at the same time 1.

The Des Moines Register from Des Moines, Iowa (2024)
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Author: Dan Stracke

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Name: Dan Stracke

Birthday: 1992-08-25

Address: 2253 Brown Springs, East Alla, OH 38634-0309

Phone: +398735162064

Job: Investor Government Associate

Hobby: Shopping, LARPing, Scrapbooking, Surfing, Slacklining, Dance, Glassblowing

Introduction: My name is Dan Stracke, I am a homely, gleaming, glamorous, inquisitive, homely, gorgeous, light person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.